sensation! designed and organized the Caisse d’Épargne Ile de France’s digitalized internal yearly commercial convention, by reinventing the traditional event format. The project was built around 3 phases:
- Structuring with the client of all the content and the speeches, as well as the production of 10 videos (65 videos broadcasted in total), along with the full graphic design and video jingles.
- Shooting during 5 days in a custom-built studio (400 sqm) using grey background technology, with full insertion in 2 custom 3D sets, using 22 virtual cameras. Shooting of 10 one-hour conventions (25 speakers in total), respecting Covid Safe processes..
- Streaming on a virtual platform including interactive stands (demos, presentations, quiz, etc.) + a backup platform to anticipate any technical problem. 750 participants connected from several hundred remote sites (with network pre-tests). Management by 4 moderators, 8 hotliners and 7 monitoring technicians for a result of 0 technical incident during the 3:30 hours of live broadcasting.